Social media marketing means participating in various kinds of social websites, article databases and web forums to promote ones brand/business. Some of the ways to market your brand on the Internet is blog writing, social book marking sites, social news or article marketing. It allows brand promotion in a priceless, quick and interactive manner. Social media marketing is the best method to know readers perspective so as to make your brand consumer friendly.
In social media marketing, communication and collaboration with the Internet users plays a vital role in marketing ones brand. Some important tools of communication and collaboration in social media marketing are as follows.
Blogs: – blogs are the websites that provides the internet users space to write on whatever topic they want. So, one can make use of blogs to address benefits of brand one is promoting for. Some such blogs/microblogs are wordpress and typepad.
Social networking websites: – These sites help companies to discover new people and collaborate with them on mutual benefit basis so as to boost popularity of ones brand. These social networking sites provide personal touch to ones promotional campaign. Some such social networking sites are Facebook and Orkut.
Opinion sites: – One can boost popularity and credibility of a brand by adding consumers reviews in the promotional content. One can take consumers opinions also on the choice of brand. Some such opinions can be shared and added by making use of websites like Amazon reviews and Yelp.
Social bookmarking sites: – Social bookmarking sites are very popular in the search engines. Social bookmarking website is a popular medium to boost traffic in your webpage by the help of bookmarks. One can place ones newsletters or posts in these social bookmarking sites. Some social bookmarking sites are and StumbleUpon.
One can make use of social media optimization for online marketing of brands in a highly beneficial way as it increases links, makes bookmarking easier, rewards mobility to the content and makes teaming up with different people easy. It increases visibility of a brand thereby boosting confidence of the businessperson to promote more on the Internet. It can bring a considerable increase in the number of subscribers by providing good exposure to ones brand. One of the prime reasons for using social media marketing through social media optimization is to increase ranking in search engines.
Social media marketing can be made successful by making friends on social websites who in turn can create different opportunities like guest blogging opportunity, speaking engagements and referrals for the brand or business to be promoted. It helps one in getting quick turnaround simply by hitting the front page of any news and bookmark sites. It can take the popularity of a brand on new heights as it is an interactive marketing strategy where one can take simultaneous feedback of the consumers so as to improve cons of the brand.
Social media marketing is also popular marketing medium because it does not follow the traditional banner type advertisement style. It is an advanced technique that can be boosted by the use of search engine optimization.
So, one can define social media marketing as an off-page feature of Social Media. In social media marketing one can make use of “viral” video on YouTube and other video sites for popularizing the brand.