What Is A Sell Sheet?
A sell sheet (sometimes called a “one-sheet” or a “tip-sheet”) is a one-sheet flyer that promotes a book and its author. The major point of a sell sheet is to convey your book’s benefits in a short and concise manner. It is used to help you market your book directly to book buyers. It is not a press release. You should use it to promote and sell your book to retailers, wholesalers, and even consumers. You should also include your sheet in your book’s media kit so that news outlets, book reviewers, and book store retailers can have specific details about your book and your marketing plans. Remember, a press release should focus on the news that you or your book is making. The press release is a way to share information and is saying, “Hey, look at me, I have some news-worthy information to share with you.” Conversely, a sell sheet is more of an announcement that your book is out and available. The sheet is saying, “Hey, look at me, I have published a new book and I want you to buy it. Here is all the information that you need to know before buying my book.”
What Must A Sell Sheet Include?
Picture/Image: A high-resolution picture or image of your book
Description: A short, but enticing, description about your book
Title: The full title, including the sub-title
Author Name: Your name here
Author Photograph: If you have enough room, include a photo
Co-Author Name: You guessed it, the co-author’s name
Foreword Author: This person typically has a name bigger than your own, so if this is true, include it
Category: List the shelving category (BISG category heading), or subject of your book
ISBN 13: The standard book number assigned to your book
Format: Trade paperback, hardcover, pdf, mobi
Publication Date: The date your book is available
Pages: The number of pages of your book
Price: The cover price
Trim: The dimensions of your book (5.5″x8.5″, 8.5″x11″, 6″x9″)
Available from: Ingram, B&T, Amazon, for example
Marketing Plans: Targeted internet advertising; Direct mail and email marketing; Co-operative catalogs and trade show exhibits; Social media marketing; Video marketing
Quotes/Testimonials/Blurbs: This is important, especially if you have great ones to use
Call-To-Action: A statement such as “Visit MyBooksWebsiteDotCom for more info.”
How Do You Market Your Book Using A Sell Sheet?
When designed properly, the sell sheet will be just like having a printed version of your book’s webpage. You must use your sell sheet to communicate as much useful and informative details as you can about your book. Be sure to put a call-to-action that asks the book buyer to call a phone number or visit your website. You should also include your sell sheet in your book’s media kit. Remember, your book’s sell sheet must be an integral part of your marketing plan.