Shaolin Mok-gar kuen is one of the original family disciplines of Kung fu, from Southern China, and is well known for its kicking techniques. Practitioners are not restricted just to kicking, however, since the use of a full range of weapons is also part of the system. The resulting flexibility of attack and defence epitomises the original concept of Chinese martial arts: to express oneself fully in the attempt to triumph in combat. When engaging in combat, the objective is to win, so practitioners believe that to place any restrictions on one particular movement would be to put themselves at a disadvantage.
One of the unique training drills found in Mok-gar kuen is that of the darn gee kicking technique. In Kung fu, each school has its own method of teaching the kicks using various mechanical facilities. Irrespective the method, the aim is the same: to increase the freedom of leg movements, enhance speed, improve accuracy, and to develop and harden the soles of the feet.
During the course of training, the darn gee helps practitioners to improve their stamina, hardness, speed, accuracy and strength techniques. This unique training drill is a stage that all Mok-gar practitioners must experience if they wish to develop a high standard within this style. The 108 movements that are the basis of the Mok-gar style can be used in many ways, from just a single punch, which may be all that is needed to win a fight, to multiple jumping kicks.
When experienced students progress to learning a soft form of Kung fu, called Tai chi. Sifu Chan, who came to England to develop the system which incorporated the use of weapons, teaches the wu style Tai chi, based on the Taoist symbol of yin and yang. Tai chi teaches us to be aware of, and to react to, any form of attack, and to be ever-changing and formless. To learn and combine these 2 systems of Kung fu is not an easy task, but once acquired, the knowledge and experience can prove invaluable.