If you are doing internet marketing, you will understand that it is easy to find many successful business ideas all over the websites. One of the easiest methods is to go to Google keyword tools, key in any niches you are in, you can see what the Global monthly searches […]
Tanya J. Montague
The Sedentary Lifestyle Vs The Active Lifestyle – An Endomorph’s Perspective
Why is it so easy to be a couch potato and just lounge around doing nothing? Let me rephrase that: Why is physical activity, especially intense physical activity perceived as painful? Is perception the main issue? What if we could rewire our brain’s neural pathways to associate pleasure with intense […]
Now You Can Live the James Bond Lifestyle
What? Are you mad? You want to dodge bullets in Afghanistan, narrowly escape drowning in a shark tank in the Caribbean, or negotiate with an overweight megalomaniac gold fetishist while strapped to a laser torture apparatus? If so, I can’t help you. But if you want to go to exotic […]
Double Life of a US Army General: Watchword Is Sex
Sex is a driving force and as per the theories of Hegel and Kant the driving force in a man’s life. The philosophers also identified power as another driving force but added a rider that sex flowed from power. Sex and power is a heady cocktail and many succumb to […]
Singapore Incorporation – General Factsheet
Moving any complex organization to a different country takes serious consideration and planning. There are a multitude of variables to consider from tax rates to legal status. Singapore has become of the most welcoming country in terms of supporting business and entrepreneurship due to its low tax rates and ease […]
The Importance of Forex Trading Today
The foreign exchange has a big impact on everyone, for companies, and for small time investors alike. This is why everyone is getting into Forex trading to be able to help certain international currencies to get back on the track. The foreign exchange is an investment not just for the […]
10 Creative Content Ideas for Social Media Marketing
Everyone gets writer’s block from time to time. In the blogging world, it’s easy to get stuck if you run out of ideas about what topics to write about. If writing more blog articles means more business, then you probably don’t want to get stuck very often. One way to […]
11 Major Health Tips For Living A Healthy Diet and Lifestyle
Indeed we have now gone beyond the first quarter of the year. Have you managed to maintain those New Year’s resolutions regarding your intentions for a healthy diet and lifestyle? For many people staying on the white line that’s consistent with attempts to keep up their intentions/promises of a healthy […]
Finding the Best Business Idea For Your Home Based Business
How many home based business opportunities are available to you? If you want to make money online at home, you really have many options to choose from. The big question is – which one will give you the biggest chance of success? Is there a ‘one size fits all’ answer? […]
The 3 Questions You Need to Answer Before Working With a Career Coach
1. What types of clients does the career coach usually work with? If you’re a recent college graduate, although it may be tempting to meet with an executive coach because you want to be an executive, it may not be the best advice for this point in your career. If […]